Digital Nurse’ Competencies in Relation to Patient Safety and Teamwork Communication.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Family and Community Health Nursing, colleague of Menoufia University Hospitals, Menoufia University, Egypt.

2 Nursing administration department, Faculty of nursing, Menoufia University, Egypt.



Background: The digital era has seen tremendous advancements in healthcare due to the integration of technology, which has changed operational procedures and patient care. Alongside these benefits, there are challenges that must be addressed to ensure patient safety in the digital age. Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine digital nurse’ competencies and its relation to patient safety and teamwork communication among nursing staff. Methods: Utilizing an exploratory descriptive design allowed the current study to accomplish its goal. The study was conducted in National Liver Institute located in the governorate of Menoufia, Egypt. There were 290 staff nurses who worked in all critical care units and inpatient departments. Results: A statistical positive correlation among digital nurse’ competencies, patient Safety and teamwork communication was found. The highest percent of nurses (84.9%, 82.5%) had a high level of digital skills and digital attitude competence. Also, (86.6%, 86.3%) had a high level of patient safety concerning communicating and clinical safety, (86.6%, 84.6%) had a high level of teamwork communication toward disease and discharge planning.  Conclusion: A significant positive correlation among digital nurse’ competencies, patient safety and teamwork communication were found. Recommendation: Healthcare policymakers must determine how health IT can help improve medication safety, patient safety, and adherence to guidelines. To meet regulatory requirements, technical stability, and nursing's most recent best clinical practices, healthcare organizations should prioritize regular technology updates.
