BACKGROUND: Effective teamwork promotes a work environment that has a positive impact on both staff and patients which effects on job satisfaction, and quality of patient care.AIM: to identifying the relationship between staff nurses' perception toward teamwork and their organizational commitment in critical care units through assessing staff nurses' perception towards teamwork and determining the level of their organizational commitment, and finding out the relationship between staff nurses' Perception toward teamwork and their commitment for the organization .Subject And Methods: A descriptive research design was used, study setting were at El-Kharga General hospital in new valley governorate which affiliated to ministry of health. A convenient sample technique of (n70) nurses who working in critical units were included in this study. Two tools were used for collecting data used for collecting data namely; Self-administered questionnaire sheet; team STEPPS Teamwork Perception Questionnaire and Organizational Commitment Questionnaire. Results: The study results demonstrate that, nearly three quarter of the study subjects were perceived teamwork, staff nurses were more perceived teamwork by communication and situation monitoring followed by team skills, ended by leadership, as regarding to organizational commitment, about two thirds of staff nurses were committed for their organization, the staff nurses were more committed by feeling of experience followed by Identity Identification, and ended by equity. Conclusion: The current study had answered the research question by evidence that, there was a strong positive relationship between nurses' teamwork perception and nurses' organizational commitment, nurses were more perceived teamwork, On other hand, the nurses were more committed for their organization by ''feeling experiences'' while. Recommendation: It is recommended that, Conducting workshops and training programs for managers and supervisors about teamwork and it's important for quality of health care focusing on leadership styles as a method to enhancing overall teamwork.
Mostafashazly, M., Mohamed Elnady, F., & Abdelaal Abdelgayed, A. (2017). Nurses' Teamwork and Organizational Commitment in Critical care Units. Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 8(2), 61-72. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2017.44922
Mona Mostafashazly; Fatma Mohamed Elnady; Afkar Abdelaal Abdelgayed. "Nurses' Teamwork and Organizational Commitment in Critical care Units", Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 8, 2, 2017, 61-72. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2017.44922
Mostafashazly, M., Mohamed Elnady, F., Abdelaal Abdelgayed, A. (2017). 'Nurses' Teamwork and Organizational Commitment in Critical care Units', Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 8(2), pp. 61-72. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2017.44922
Mostafashazly, M., Mohamed Elnady, F., Abdelaal Abdelgayed, A. Nurses' Teamwork and Organizational Commitment in Critical care Units. Egyptian Journal of Health Care, 2017; 8(2): 61-72. doi: 10.21608/ejhc.2017.44922