Nurses´ Expectations toward Toxoplasmosis during Pregnancy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Obstetrics and Woman Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University

2 Maternal and Neonatal Health nursing, Faculty of nursing, Ain Shams University


The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) causes infection in humans all around
the world .Infection with T. gondii is often acquired by ingesting food or water contaminated with
oocyst shed by cats or by eating raw or undercooked meat containing tissue cysts. AIM: Aim of
the study was to investigate nurses' expectations toward toxoplasmosis during pregnancy.
Setting: the study was conducted at obstetric department at Benha University and Benha
Teaching hospital. Design: was descriptive. Sampling Type: Convenient sample consisted of
110 nurses. Tools of Data Collection: three tools were used for collecting data; Structured
interview questionnaire, likert scale and expectation tool. Results: more than two thirds of the
studied nurses had incorrect knowledge toward toxoplasmosis during pregnancy, nearly half of
the studied nurses had not expected and more than half of the studied nurses had negative attitude
toward toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. The present study findings illustrated that there was a
positive statistically significant correlation between total expectations scores, total attitude and
total knowledge. Conclusion& Recommendations: the majority of nurses had incorrect
knowledge and negative attitude toward toxoplasmosis during pregnancy. Continuous pre –
service, in service and on job training should be designed to improve nurses` knowledge,
expectations and attitude.
