Developing and Validating Standards for Clinical Teaching Skills

Document Type : Original Article


Nursing Administration department, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Background: Teaching in clinical settings presents nurse educators with challenges that are
different from those encountered in the classroom. Aim: This study was aimed at developing and
validating standards for clinical teaching skills. Design: A methodological design was utilized.
Setting: It was conducted at the Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University on a group of 72
faculty assistants who participating in clinical teaching, and jury group consisted of 30 nursing
faculty members. Tools of Data collection: Data collection tools included an opinionnaire for
jury group, an questionnaire sheet for faculty assistants group, and an observation checklist.
Results: There were high agreement of faculty assistant upon all proposed standards. 87.5% of
them agreed upon the total standards. 80.6% of assistants faculty, had adequate performance of
the proposed standards. There was a high agreement upon almost all items of the proposed
standards by jury group. The total agreement ranged between 85.7% to 100.0%. Conclusion:
applicability as shown by the high performance of the faculty assistants using proposed standard.
Recommendations: Apply The proposed standards at the Faculty of Nursing, Ain-shams
University and in similar settings. Offer the necessary equipment and resources to apply the
suggested standards.
