Factors that Influence Parents Toward Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain-Shams University


Background: the younger age of children at the time of parents' initial concerns about their
children's development associated with the younger age of their children at detection of ASD.
Higher levels of parental education associated with earlier detection of ASD. Aim of the study:
The aim of this study was to assess factors that influence parents toward detection of autism
spectrum disorder. Research design: A descriptive exploratory design. Setting: The study was
conducted at autism outpatient clinic at El –Abbasia Mental Hospital. Subjects 100 parents
having children with ASD. Tools: The data were collected using an interview questionnaire
aimed at assessing factors that influence parents toward detection of autism spectrum disorder.
The fieldwork: started from September 2015 to March 2016. Results: The study findings revealed
fifty- four percent of the participants were early detected, while forty-six of the participants were
late detected. Furthermore, fifty-six percent of the participants had a late diagnosis, while fortyfour percent of the participants had early diagnosis. Conclusion: first concerns and level of
education are positively correlated. The positive predictors of early detection are parent's early
initial concerns and parent's level of education, while household income and parent's self-efficacy
are not correlated to detection of autism spectrum disorder. Recommendations: The study
recommends that, programs for increasing parent's knowledge and awareness of the early signs of
ASD (red flags) and the impact of having a child with ASD on the future outcome of their
children might lead parents to seek help earlier. Programs for educating and training nurses to
recognize and assist parents to navigate toward earlier detection of ASD. Further research is
needed for following development of high-risk infants as early as possible and to confirm reliable
age of detection.
