Effect of Application of Kanter's Empowerment Theory on Nurse Intern's Assertiveness

Document Type : Original Article


Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Nurses' interns today are the nucleus of professional nurses of tomorrow. When
communication is an integral part of the nurses' role, it is crucial to highlight the factors
which can affect the nurses 'interns to behave in assertive and empowered manner. Aim:
the study aimed to apply Kanter's empowerment theory on nurse intern's and measure its
effect on their assertiveness. Research design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized
to conduct this study. Research Settings: The study was conducted at Faculty of Nursing
.Ain Shams University. Their total number was (188).Subject: it included all nurse
interns who were enrolled in the internship year of 2015-2016.Tools for data collection:
Data were collected using three tools (1) Educational needs assessment sheet(2) The
Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II (CWEQ-II) (3) Assertiveness
Inventory Results: The study shows that the majority of them are not empowered and not
assertive pre training implementation. in addition, It is evident that the levels of
empowerment and assertiveness have significantly increased post implementation and in
the follow up phase In addition, shows statistical significant differences between pre ,
post and follow-up the training strategy. Conclusion: application of kanter's
empowerment theory on nurse interns have a positive effect on their assertiveness as if
assertiveness increased, empowerment increased. Recommendations conducting further
research on the impact of Kanter's theory on students' patient communication.
