Nursing Intervention for High Risk Hypertension Pregnancy in Family Medicine Centers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Infection Control department at the Health Directorate in Giza

2 Community, Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Ain shams University


High risk pregnancy associated with any physical, social or psychological factors that
increase the risk of woman or fetal morbidity or mortality. Aim: The aim of the study was to
evaluate the nursing intervention of high risk hypertension pregnancy in family medicine
centers. Design: A quasi experimental design was used in this study. Settings: This study
was conducted at 5 family medicine centers in Giza. Sample: Purposive sample of 130
women was used with a predetermined inclusion criteria. Tools: Two tools were used for
data collection, first tool was an interviewing questionnaire for collecting data related to
socio-demographic data of women, women knowledge related to pregnancy & women
practices related to antenatal care, the second tool was follow up sheet of outcome after
delivery about woman &fetus and medical record analysis. Results: This study found that
total knowledge of the pregnant women had unsatisfactory in pre intervention it was
improved to majority in post intervention & none of the pregnant women were done their
antenatal practices satisfactory in pre intervention while it was improved to majority in post
intervention. Majority of the outcomes of pregnant women (the fetus) had not any congenital
anomalies and had viability of life. Conclusion: The nursing intervention was effective in
improving women knowledge & practices regarding high risk hypertension pregnancy and
their pregnancy outcomes. Recommendation: Develop nursing intervention program for
high risk hypertension pregnant women about antenatal care, high risk hypertension factor in
pregnancy, proper nutrition and proper practices during pregnancy in family medicine
