Awareness of Blind Adolescent Girl Students Regarding Premenstrual Syndromes: Outcomes of Educational Guideline

Document Type : Original Article


1 Pediatric Nursing-Faculty of Nursing-Ain Shams,

2 Pediatric Nursing-Faculty of Nursing-Beni-suef

3 ,Woman Health and Maternity Nursing-Kafr El-Sheikh Universities


Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes of educational guideline on awareness of
blind adolescent girl students regarding premenstrual syndromes. Subjects and Methods: A
quasi-experimental design was utilized in this study, that was conducted at Blind School in Benha
Institute. A purposive sample of 80 blind adolescent girl students from the previously mentioned
setting. The following study tools were used(pre/posttests): 1) Students‘ interviewing
questionnaire to assess their knowledge as regards premenstrual syndromes. 2) An observational
checklist to evaluate studied students‘ practices such as perineal care. 3) Numerical pain scale to
assess pain severity level. 4) Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale to assess anxiety level. Results: The
mean age of adolescent girls was 15.9 ± 2.3 years. There was significant differences regarding
knowledge and practices (perineal care, methods of cleaning, use of pads, dispose of pad and
methods of drying), pain and anxiety relieve (e.g warm compress and exercises) about
premenstrual syndromes between pre, post and follow up educational guideline. Conclusion: The
present study concluded that, the educational guideline had a positive effect on awareness of blind
adolescent girl students regarding premenstrual syndromes. Recommendations: Further studies
should be carried out on a large number of such group of students for evidence of the results and
