Effect of Educational Guidelines on Cardiac Self Efficacy, Health Complaints and Anxiety Level among Patients with Coronary Artery Disease

Document Type : Original Article


Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Coronary artery disease is one of the most prevalent cardiovascular diseases. Promotion of
cardiac self-efficacy after a cardiovascular event is the outcome that plays a pivotal role in
increasing rehabilitation skills to modify healthy behaviors. Aim of this study: was to evaluate
the effect of educational guidelines on level of knowledge, self efficacy, health complaint,
anxiety level of patients with coronary artery diseases. Four tools were used in this study;
Patient structured interview questionnaire. Self efficacy scale. The somatic health complaints
questionnaire (SHCQ) and Beck Anxiety Inventory. This study was conducted at cardiology
unit & CCU at Ain shams university hospitals. A Purposive sample of (104) adult patients
diagnosed with CAD, was selected and equally divided into study & control group, (52) patients
for each one. The finding of this study revealed that there were highly statistically significant
differences between study and control group regarding total mean scores of knowledge, self
efficacy symptoms, all dimensions of health complaints and anxiety level scores (p >0.001) at
post and follow up guidelines intervention phases. The study concluded that, there was highly
statistically significant improvement regarding the total post and follow up test satisfactory
scores of knowledge, cardiac self efficacy, and cardiac exercise self efficacy, somatic health
complaints and anxiety level for the study group subjects after implementation of the
educational guidelines. This study recommended Provision of study educational guidelines in
all health care settings providing services to CAD patients particularly address the patients with
low educational attainments.
