Effect of Head Nurses Emotional Intelligence Educational Program on Nurses Motivation and Organizational Support

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of nursing administration, Faculty of Nursing-Minia University- Egypt

2 Lecturer of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing-Minia University - Egypt


Head nurses' emotional intelligence is important to the quality of their job, including clinical
decision-making, critical thinking, evidence, and knowledge application in practice. Therefore, the
professional nurse should have the ability to understand the views and needs of a wide variety of
people to be motivated, supported, and satisfied. Aim: The study aims to examine the effect of head
nurse's emotional intelligence training program on staff nurses' motivation and perceived
organizational support. Research design: Quasi-experimental research design was utilized in this
study. Setting: The study was conducted at the health insurance Hospital – Minia governorate.
Subjects: A convenience sample of head nurses and staff nurses was included in the study. Tools:
four tools were used in this study; emotional intelligence knowledge questionnaire, emotional
intelligence self-assessment questionnaire, motivation scale, and perceived organizational support
scale. Results: The total knowledge level of emotional intelligence and its subscales among head
nurses were low before the program implementation; they had high level after the program
implementation with statistically significant differences; also the staff nurse motivation level and
perceived organizational support level was increased after implementing emotional intelligence
educational program for head nurses Conclusions: an improvement in the knowledge level has been
observed after the program was implemented. Recommendations: Periodical workshops and
programs for first-line managers to develop their emotional intelligence competencies to be more
motivated and empowered and supported for their nurses.
