Factors Affecting Quality of Life for Patients with Lung Cancer


1 Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing – Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University – Egypt

2 Assistant Professor of Medical Surgical Nursing – Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University – Egypt


Lung cancer is one of the most common cancer types in the world among men and women.
In view of the high-symptoms burden and sever morbidity, evaluation of quality of life (QOL)
becomes important for these patients Aim: of this study was to assess the factors affecting quality
of life for patients with lung cancer. Methods: This study was conducted at the outpatient clinics
in Eldemerdash oncology center, affiliated to Ain Shams University. Sample: A purposive
sample of (50) Adult patients, from both sex and free from others chronic diseases were recruited
for the conduction of this study. Tools: 1- Patient's socio demographic characteristics sheet 2-
Patient's clinical data sheet 3-An interview questionnaire sheet to assess patients’ knowledge
about lung cancer .4- quality of life assessment sheet and 5- patients' functional performance
assessment sheet. Results: the present study revealed that more than half of the studied patients
had moderate quality of life. There were statistically significant relations between the patient's
Quality of life and their age, gender and educational level. There was a highly statistically
significant relation between physical dimension of Quality of life and functional performance
among studied patients Conclusion: Significant relation was found between patients
and their age, gender, educational level, functional performance &some aspect of present history.
Health education programs about disease and its treatment modalities
should be provided for lung cancer patients. 
