Effect of Planned Physical Activity on Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes among Women with Gestational Diabetes

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assist. Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Minia University

2 Assist. professor of maternity & Newborn health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University

3 Assist. Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University.


Background: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) associated with short and long-term
complications for mother and her baby. Physical activity interventions may help with glycemic
control and improve maternal and infant outcomes. Aim: To evaluate the effect of prearranged
physical activity on maternal and fetal outcomes for women with gestational diabetes mellitus.
Methods: Quazi experimental design was conducted at antenatal outpatient clinic of Women Health
Hospital, Egypt. The study participants involved a purposive sample of 100 pregnant women who
newly diagnosed with GDM in her current pregnancy. Three tools were used to collect the data:
Structured interview questionnaire that included three parts, maternal &neonatal follow-up and
Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) tool. Results: Caesarean section was significant
higher (62.0%) among studied women in control group compared to 28.0% in study group, P- value
0.001. Also 96.0% in study group weren't experienced any complication during birth process,
compared to 18.0% in control group were experienced diabetic coma during birth process, P- value
0.001. Newborns with macrosomia were (0.00%) in study group, compared to 22.0% in control
group, Also there was a highly statistically significant difference between Apgar scores after five
minute in the study and control groups (P- value= 0.001). Moreover, 4.0% of newborns in study
group suffering from breathing
problems compared to 16.0% in control group with statistically
significant difference P- value
0.005. Conclusion: For gestational diabetic women, scheduled
physical activity was effectively on improving maternal and neonatal outcomes. Recommendation:
planned physical activity should be encouraged to be a basic part of antenatal care for gestational
diabetic women.
