Facilitators and Barriers Influencing Patient Safety as Perceived by Nurse Interns

Document Type : Original Article


1 Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University- Cairo- Egypt

2 Professor of Nursing Administration Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University- Cairo- Egypt

3 Assist professor of Nursing Administration , Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University- Cairo- Egypt


Background: Patient safety is a worldwide concern with limited resources, recent
healthcare systems are facing major factors in ensuring patient safety. Aim: This study
aimed at investigating facilitators and barriers influencing patient safety as perceived by
nurse interns. Research design: descriptive design was used. Setting: This study was carried
out at two different faculties affiliated to Al-Azhar and Ain-Shams universities. Subjects
and Methods: Subjects of the present study included 94 nurse interns from Al Azhar
university and 125 nurse interns from Ain Shams university. The tool: Nurse Intern’s
perception of patient safety factors questionnaire. It was consisted two parts as follows: Part
1:" personal data " ;Part 2: include "facilitators and barriers facing interns regarding patient
safety". The main results: There was no statistically significant difference between two
groups regarding to total patient safety factors. The current study concluded that the study
findings didn't support the study hypothesis, where there is no differences between nurse
intern's perception of facilitators and barriers of patient safety at both Ain Shams University
Hospitals and Al Azhar University Hospitals. Recommendations: Patient's
competencies must be incorporated in the nursing education programs, which will
interns to practice patient care safely while their training
