Effect of Neck Stretching Exercises on Patient’ Neck Disability and Pain Thyroidectomy

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University


Background: Diseases related to the thyroid gland are one of the greatest often seen endocrine
diseases across the world. Total thyroidectomy is presently the favoured treatment for several
thyroid disorders. The aim of study aimed to assess effect of neck stretching exercises on
patients’ neck disability and pain after thyroidectomy. Design: This study used quasi
experimental design. Setting: the study was performed at Zagazig university hospital’s general
surgery ward and outpatient surgery clinic. Subjects: Participants were randomly assigned to
one group: stretching exercise (n= 38) or control exercise (n= 38). Tools: Three methods were
implemented: 1) a Patient assessment sheet, 2) a visual analogue scale for pain, and 3) an index
of neck disability. Results: Both groups had significant differences in neck’s disability and pain
after 7- and 30-days following thyroidectomy. Conclusion: Neck stretching exercise was
effective in diminishing the patient’s neck disability
and pain following thyroidectomy.
Recommendation: Conducting further studies on extra
samples from participants in several
hospitals in various governorates are recommended
