Needs of Patients with Leukemia Post Stem Cell Transplantation

Document Type : Original Article


1 of Nursing 2010, - Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt

2 Prof. of Medical Surgical Nursing, - Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University-Cairo- Egypt.

3 Assist. Prof of Hematology and Bone Marrow Transplantion, - Faculty of Medicine -Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.

4 Lecturer of Medical Surgical Nursing - Faculty of Nursing -Ain Shams University-Cairo- Egypt.


Background: Stem cell transplantation is a lifesaving procedure which is used for the
treatment of hematological malignancies or diseases as leukemia. Aim: The study aimed to
identify the needs of patient with leukemia post stem cell transplantation through the
following: 1- Assessing the bio psychosocial needs of patients with leukemia (physical,
psychological, social needs) post stem cell transplantation.2-Assessing the educational needs
of patients with leukemia post stem cell transplantation. Design: Descriptive exploratory
design was utilized in this study. Setting: The study was conducted in the bone marrow
transplantation out patients` Clinic at Nasser Institute Hospital. Subjects: A purposive
sample of 52 patients with leukemia post stem cell transplantation were involved in the study.
Tools: I- Patients' medical records II- A structure interview questionnaire for patient's bio
psychosocial needs. III- Katz scale of independence in activities of daily living ІV-A
structure interview questionnaire about patient's knowledge. Results: The majority of the
studied patients had unsatisfactory physical, psychological, social needs and total level of
knowledge post stem cell transplantation. Conclusion: There was highly statistically
significant relation between the patient's physical , social needs and total level of knowledge
and their educational level .There was a highly significant relationship between the time of
transplantation and patients' psychological and social needs. There was a significant positive
correlation between patients' physical needs, social needs, daily living activities and their
level of knowledge. Recommendation: Replication of the study on a larger probability
sample in different setting for generalizing the findings.
