Quality of Life among Adolescents with Addiction: An Assessment Study

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of pediatric, Ain Shams University

2 Lecturer of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University

3 Bcs, in nursing science, Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Introduction: Addiction is a complex phenomena that defy quality of life among addicted adolescents. A tangled interaction of factors contributes to an adolescent’s seeking out and using abusing drugs. This study aimed to assess the quality of life among adolescents with addiction. Research design: a descriptive design was utilized. Subject: A purposive sample composed of 70 of addicted adolescents who are alert, while as severe psychotic cases were excluded at Addiction Outpatient Clinics of Institute of Psychiatry affiliated to Ain Shams University. Tools: Interviewing questionnaire sheet to assess knowledge of addicted adolescents about addiction, which including 3 parts as follows: part(1):  Characteristics of addicted adolescent, history of addiction. Part (2):Quality of Life of addicted adolescents. Part(3): The strategies and Coping Patterns Scale among addicted adolescents. Results: Revealed that 62.9% of the studied addict adolescents had unsatisfactory level of knowledge regarding to addiction. Slightly less than half 40.0% of them had physical non-adaptive, social and psychological. Where as 44.0% of them had poor self-esteem, 43.0% of the studied addicted adolescent were had poor level of vocational aspects. In addition to 44.0% of them were non-adaptive. Conclusion: Based on the study finding that there were statistically significant differences between characteristics of the studied addicted adolescent and their total knowledge, strategies and coping pattern and quality of life. Recommendation: Raise the community awareness about dangerous of substances abuse through the mass media, religious settings, schools and universities.
