Health Hazards among Children Labor in Car Repair Workshops in Rural Community

Document Type : Original Article


1 Head Nurse at Beni Suef Specialist Hospital, Professor of Community Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University

2 Lecturer of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University


Background: Child labor is the engagement of children in prohibited work and activities. Aim: The
aim of this study was to assess health hazards among children labor in car repair workshops in rural
community. Design: A descriptive design was used to conduct this study. Setting: This study was
conducted at 86 car repair workshops in Beni-Suef city. Sample: A convenient sample of 208
children labor in the previously mentioned setting within consecutive six months. Tools: Two tools
were used for data collection, first tool structured interviewing questionnaire divided into four parts,
socio- demographic data of children and their family, health needs and problems of children labor in
car repair workshops, knowledge of children regarding health hazards, and personal protective
equipment and the exposure to health hazards among children labor in car repair workshops, second
tool observational checklist to assess using of safety measures and environmental hazards in car
repair workshops. Results: The mean age of children was 9.3 ±4.1 years, more than four fifth of
children had unsatisfactory level of knowledge regarding health hazards and safety measures, most
of them had poor practices during work, physical hazards represent nearly one third and nearly most
of the studied workshops had inadequate environmental safety and sanitation. Conclusion: physical
and chemical hazards were seen to be the most common health hazards of labor in car repair
workshops among the studied children. Physical and psychological sides were seen to be the most
common health needs and problems among the studied children. Also, there was a highly
statistically significant correlation between occurrence of health hazards and environment of car
repair workshops. Recommendations: Health education program to raise awareness of children
toward health hazards in car repair workshops in rural community. 
