Effect of the Sanyinjiao Point (SP6) Acupressure on Reducing Labor Pain at Ismailia Governmental Hospitals

Document Type : Original Article


1 Maternity& Gynecologic Nursing Departement, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University

2 Maternal and newborn health Nursing Departement, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University

3 Maternity& Gynecologic Nursing Departement, Faculty of Nursing, Suez Canal University,

4 Physical therapy for Gynecology& Obstetrics, Faculty of Physical Therapy, Cairo University


Background: labor pain is often described as the worst pain in a woman's life, acupressure
is one of non-pharmacologic methods can help women copes with the pain of labor. Aim of the
study: was to assess the effect of sanyinjiao point (SP6) acupressure on reducing labor pain
intensity. Design: a quasi-experimental design was adopted. Setting: data collected from two
settings; delivery wards of the Suez Canal University Hospital and General Hospital in Ismailia
City. Sample: convenience sample of 60 nulliparous women fulfilled the selection criteria were
divided into interventional and control group. Tools of data collection: four tools; Structured
Interview, Short form McGill pain questionnaire, Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale, and
Investigation record were used. Results: there was statistical significance reduction of labor pain
for study group compared to control group by using Wong Baker faces pain scales immediately,
after 30 and 60 minutes from intervention. The mean difference of plasma cortisol level was
1.6±73.7 for interventional group versus 10.37±136.0 for control group with statistical
significance differences (p=0.000) immediately after intervention. Conclusions: these findings
showed that, SP6 acupressure was effective to decrease labor pain for nulliparous women during
active phase of labor. Recommendation: involve application of SP6 acupressure procedure at
labor ward as a part of nursing care
