Role concepts, Relationships and Conflict Resolution Styles Regarding Marriage among Nursing Students

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Lecturer in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing- Helwan University

2 Professor of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing-Ain Shams University,

3 Assistant Professor of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing - Helwan University.


Background: Role of a husband and a wife is the range of rights associated with a particular social position and relationships' problems have a real effect on the level of distress and the understanding of marriage. Additionally conflict resolution has a mixture of different styles in which spouses often simultaneously engage in when resolving conflicts. Aim:  This study aimed to assess the role concepts, relationships and conflict resolution styles regarding marriage among nursing students. Subject and Methods: This study used a descriptive research design. Sampling: A purposive sample of 120 students at Faculty of Nursing Helwan University. Data collection were: 1) Socio-demographic characteristics sheet, 2) Role Concepts Questionnaire, 3) The Relationships Questionnaire and 4) Conflict Resolution Styles Inventory. Results: The main results showed that, there was statistically significant direct positive correlation between nursing students' role concepts, relationship and conflict resolution styles. Furthermore, there was a statistically significant relation between nursing students' role concepts, relationship and conflict resolution styles with their socio-demographic characteristics. Conclusions: Based on the study results, it was concluded that nursing students had good expectations of the husband-wife roles, unsatisfied feelings about the relationship in the future and highly conflict resolution styles. Also, there was a statistically significant relation between role concepts, relationships and conflict resolution styles with sociodemographic data of nursing students under study. Recommendations: This study recommended that, preparation for marriage must be mandatory for all final year students in the schools and universities and every person who is nearly to get married. Also future research should be done with a larger sample size in several universities and in a broader geographical area.
