Incivility and Ostracism in the Workplace among staff nurses and its relation to the quality of care

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor at Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Beni-Suef University

2 Nursing Administration, Nursing College, Misr University for Science and Technology

3 Lecturer of nursing administration, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University

4 Lecturer of Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, South Valley University, Egypt


Background: Workplace place incivility may lead to different outcomes that an increase in mental and physical stress. Aim: To assess the incivility and ostracism in the workplace among staff nurses and its relation to the quality of care. Research Design: Descriptive correlational research design was utilized. Setting: The current study was conducted at South Vally University Hospital. Subjects: A convenience sample consisted of 100 staff nurses were enrolled in the study. Tools: Three main tools were used (I) Workplace Incivility scale, (II) Workplace Ostracism Scale, and (III) Quality of Nursing Care scale. Results: In the results of the current study more than half of the nurses had a low level of workplace ostracism. The overall mean of the quality of nursing care scale was 3.14 (SD = 0.66) from a scale of 1–5 and health promotion was the lowest mean dimension (mean = 3.08, SD = 0.74). Nurse incivility exerted a multivariate effect on the overall quality of nursing care and its different dimensions. There was a low-level positive (r = 0,302; p <0, 01) statistically significant correlation between staff nurses' workplace incivility and workplace ostracism.  Conclusion: General incivility and nurse incivility were found to negatively affect the quality of nursing care and its different dimensions. Recommendations: Incivility must be treated with a zero-tolerance policy by hospital administrators. Administrators at hospitals must foster a positive work environment in which civil communication is the norm and hospital standards are known and obeyed. Provide useful information to enhance the quality of nursing care by acting in incivility concerns that arise from various sources within the hospital.
