Risk Factors Associated with Overweight among Primary School Children

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. Nursing, Ain Shams University, (1994)

2 Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University,

3 Lecturer of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University


Overweight is a serious health problem among primary school children which is a risk factor for
several health consequences. Aim: The aim of this study was to assess risk factors associated with
overweight among primary school children. Design: Descriptive design was used to conduct this study.
Setting: The study was conducted at 64 urban primary schools of educational directorate of Shubra Al-
Kheima city. Sample: A purposive sample of 240 overweight primary school children was selected.
Tools: Two tools were used for data collection, first tool structured interviewing questionnaire divided
into five parts, socio-demographic characteristics of children, children health problems related
overweight, student nutritional health history, children knowledge regarding overweight, and lifestyle
factors associated with overweight among primary school children, second tool was school student files.
Results: 60.8% of studied students had family history for overweight, 85.4% of studied students had
unsatisfactory knowledge and 93.3% of studied students had unhealthy lifestyle associated with
overweight. Conclusion: Our study showed that 12.5% of studied students weren't health problems
related to overweight, 73.3% of studied students were bad dietary habits, and 93.3% of studied students
had unhealthy lifestyle, not statistically significance relation between knowledge about overweight and
dietary habits, highly statistical significance relation between dietary habits and overweight among
primary school children. Recommendation: Health education program to raise awareness of children
toward health hazards and its consequences of overweight.
