Effect of Implementing Fluid and Electrolyte Resuscitation Educational Package on Nurses’ Performance and Outcomes of Patients with Burn

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer, Medical- Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt.

2 Lecturer, Critical Care and Emergency Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt


Background: Care of patients with burn includes resuscitating fluid and electrolyte in order
to reach the balanced level which consider the key components to achieve the optimal outcomes of
patient care. Maintaining safety of patients with burn is one aspect of nursing care that involve the
accuracy of fluid and electrolyte resuscitation, particularly among patients who needing intensive
care. In critical care and departmental settings, nurses respond to the needs of patients with burn
utilizing the evidence-based nursing practice. As a result, the nurse needs to be aware of and react
accurately to fluid and electrolyte resuscitation among that group of patients. Aim: the aim of the
study, was to evaluate the effect of implementing fluid and electrolyte resuscitation educational
package on nurses’ performance and outcomes of patients with burn. Design: a quasi-experimental
research design (pre- and posttest design) was utilize in the current study. Setting: The study was
carried out at Mansoura University Hospitals' Plastic and Reconstructive Burn Center. Subjects: A
convenience sample of 45 nurses who are working in burn department and ICUs in the previously
mention setting, A convenient sampling of 45 Patients that had been admitted to the burn
departments and ICUs were included in the study subject. Results: according to the current study
finding complications of fluid and electrolyte imbalance reduced post educational package
implementation compared to the baseline data with significance p- value (0=006). As well, the
nurses knowledge scoring level and the observed practices scores were improved than they had been
before, with highly statistically significant differences. Conclusion: The implementation of fluid
and electrolyte resuscitation educational package had positive effect on improving nurses’
performance with satisfactory outcomes among patients with burn. Recommendation: Educational
package should be applied for all nurses to optimize their performance on fluid and electrolyte
resuscitation among patients with burn.
