Entrepreneurial Awareness, Intention among Nurse Interns and its Relation to Their Self-Care Practice at selected Nursing Faculties “Comparative Study”

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Cairo University, Egypt

2 Lecturer of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. October 6 university, Egypt

3 Assistant Professor of Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing. Minia University, Egypt


Background: In the modern era, the ideas of enterprise, entrepreneur, and entrepreneurship
have also gained prominence in our nation as well as throughout the entire world in order to
promote personal and social welfare and improve quality of life (Jena, 2020). The aim of the study
was to examine the nurse interns’ entrepreneurial awareness, intention and their relation to self-care
practice. Design: A descriptive comparative research design was utilized. Subject: Convenience
sample consisted of (total No. 580) of internship student classified as the following 380 nursing
intern students from faculty of nursing at Minia university and 200 nursing intern students from
faculty of nursing at Cairo university. Setting: clinical setting for intern student at Minia university
hospitals and Cairo university hospitals, in Cairo, Egypt Tools of data collection: 1st tool divided
into two parts, first part Personal data, second part Entrepreneurship awareness questionnaire, 2nd
tool; Nursing interns` entrepreneurial intention questionnaire, and 3rd Mindful Self-Care Scale –
Short (MSCS). Results: the majority of Minia nursing intern students have shown moderate level of
entrepreneurial awareness, intention and self-care practice while Cairo nursing intern students have
high level of entrepreneurial awareness, intention and self-care practice. Conclusion: The present
study concluded that, that there was a positive correlation between entrepreneurial awareness,
intention. and self-care practice. Recommendations: In order to meet the expanding and new needs
in the health sector, nursing intern students need to strengthen their working skills by having
entrepreneurial qualities at various care levels.
