Relationship between Self Esteem and Coping Patternstoward Work Stressors among Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing – Ain Shams University


Back ground Psychiatric nursing isregarded as one of the moststressful occupationsin the world. It
considered as a challenging task for psychiatric nurses physically and psychologically especially nurses who
are faced with specialized work demands. Design This study was descriptive study. Aim the study aimed at
determine relationship between self esteem and coping patterns toward work stressors among psychiatric
mental health nurses. This study conducted on 210 psychiatric mental health nurses setting Elkhanka
psychiatric mental health hospital at El-khanka City Qalubia, Governorate. Type of sample was
Convenience sample. Tools consisted of, four tools as the following; Tool I Interview questionnaire sheet
used to assess psychiatric mental health nurses socio-demographic characteristics, Tool II Rosenberg self-
esteem scale to assessself-esteem level for psychiatric mental health nurses, ToolIII Work stressorsscale to
measure work stressors for psychiatric mental health nurses and Tool IV Jalowiec coping scale to measure
coping patternstoward work stressorsfor psychiatric mental health nurses. Results: The study revealed that,
nearly three quarter of psychiatric mental health nurses have High level of self esteem, more than two third
of them have moderate work stressors level and higher percentage of them have effective coping pattern.
Conclusion the study revealed that there was positive correlation and significant relation between self
esteem and coping pattern toward work stressors among psychiatric mental health nurses.
Recommendation, The study recommended that Reconsider instructional program for psychiatric nurses on
how to reduce the job stressors. The future research should be done with a larger sample size in several
psychiatric hospitals and in a broader geographical area
