Quality of Life for Clients with Radical Mastectomy

Document Type : Original Article


1 BSc. Nursing Sciences 2012 Ain Shams University

2 Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University

3 Lecturer of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing Ain Shams University


Background: Quality of life of the modified radical mastectomy patients are greatly
influenced by the surgical procedure as well as other treatment modalities like radiation therapy and
chemotherapy. The aim of the study: The study aimed to determine the quality of life for the client
with modified radical mastectomy. Research design: Descriptive design utilized in carrying out
this study. Subject: A Convenient sample composed of 100 adult women admitted to the oncology
department at the outpatient clinic of Baheya hospital. Tools: Interviewing questionnaire to assess
demographic data of the women, knowledge assessment sheet about modified radical mastectomy,
women practices after modified radical mastectomy, women's health problems after modified
radical mastectomy and quality of life scale. Results: 40% of the studied women had satisfactory
knowledge regarding modified radical mastectomy, 72% of the studied women had unsatisfactory
care after modified radical mastectomy and 81% of the studied women had poor quality of life.
Conclusion: Based on the study finding it concluded that, there is a statistically significant
difference between the quality of life of studied women with modified radical mastectomy and their
knowledge, practices toward the care related to modified radical mastectomy. Besides, there is a
statistically significant difference between the quality of life of clients with modified radical
mastectomy and their health needs and problems. Recommendation: Develop a health education
program for women after mastectomy and their family management of the psychological & physical
problems of chemotherapy that allows patients to base their understanding of cancer on sound
information and misinformation.
