Effect of Educational Program on Social Media Cyberbullying among Nursing College Students at Benha University

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Benha University, Egypt

2 Assistant professor of Community Health Nursing, Benha University, Egypt


Cyberbullying is a major concern among university students, negatively impacting their
psychosocial health and academic performance. Aim of study: evaluate the effect of educational
program on social media cyberbullying among nursing college students at Benha University.
Design: Quasi-experimental design was used. Setting: This study was conducted at Faculty of
nursing, Benha University. Subjects: This study was carried on 1029 nursing students. Tools of
data collection: there were three tools used: Tool I: Structured Interviewing Questionnaire: It
was divided into two parts. Part one: Personal characteristics of studied, Part two: Social media
cyberbullying related data. Tool II: Structured knowledge Questionnaire to assess cyberbullying
knowledge and Tool III: Cyber-Aggression Scale (CYB-AGS) to assess cyberbullying behavior.
The study results showed that after program most of studied students had satisfactory total
knowledge about cyberbullying. In addition to highly statistically significant negative association
between knowledge and cyberbullying behavior was found post program than preprogram.
Conclusion: The educational program was very effective in promoting students’ knowledge and
behavior regarding cyberbullying. Recommendations: Increasing awareness about cyberbullying
and importance of adopting preventive strategies to control it through health education programs to
all community especially were needed.
