Saudi Nurses and Midwives Attitude Towards Companionship Support During Childbirth at Public Hospital in Saudi Arabia

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology Nursing, Woman Health and Obstetric Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University, Egypt

2 Senior Nursing Specialist in an Obstetrics & Gynecology clinic, Damam City, KSA

3 Assistant Professor, Obstetrics & Gynecology Nursing, Fundamentals of Nursing Department College of Nursing, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University, KSA

4 Lecturer of Woman Health and Obstetric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Minia University, Egypt


Background: Childbirth is one of the greatest experiences in any mother’s life; feelings of anxiety, fear of pain and apprehension about the health of the fetus give way to joy at the end of the pregnancy journey. Aim: To assess Saudi nurses and midwives’ attitude towards companionship support during childbirth at Public Hospital in Saudi Arabia. Design: Cross-sectional quantitative design. Setting: Maternity and Children Hospital at Dammam, Saudi Arabia Kingdom. Sample: A convenient sample of fifty-seven healthcare providers (35 nurses and 22 midwives) were recruited during April 2021. Results: The nurses’ and midwives’ attitudes were analysed toward the existence of a birthing companion over four dimensions including mother, family, culture, and health-care providers. The overall mean approval across these dimensions was 25.9 ± 4, showing that highest percentage (80%) of the participating nurses and midwives had positive attitudes toward the existence of a birthing companion; and these attitudes were not influenced by age, cadre, years of service or educational qualifications. Conclusions: Most nurses and midwives have a positive attitude toward the existence of a companion in the delivery room, while many felt that the presence of a companion could deter healthcare personnel from their work. The hospital’s policy and infrastructures favoured this effect, also, Saudi religious and cultural beliefs did not condemn it. Recommendation: Conduct further studies to evaluate knowledge and attitudes on a large number of nurses and midwives toward having a companion during labor in multihospital, at different regions in Saudi Arabia.
