Efficacy of Educational Environment on Surdents Satisfaction at. Embaba Technical Institute of Nursing

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc. In Nursing Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.

2 Professor of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.

3 Lecture of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing - Ain Shams University-Cairo-Egypt.


Background: Educational environment and students’ expectations support the student’s
action and encourage for social interaction, inside and outside the Institute that enhance
interpersonal relationship with teachers and meet the Learning goals, Aim: The aim of this study
was to assess the efficacy of educational environment on students’ satisfaction at Embaba Technical
Institute of Nursing. Design: A descriptive design was used. Setting: This study conducted at
Embaba Technical Institute of Nursing. Subjects: Convenient sample used in this study .It was
included (250) undergraduate nursing students in first grades from total number 500 newly nursing
student at the academic year 2019-2020. Tools of data collection: Data of this study will be
collected through five main parts as the following : Demographic data ,Nurses student knowledge
and attitude and satisfaction toward educational environment questionnaire , International standard
of the educational environment scale. . Results: the result reveals that there was positive highly
correlation between students’ knowledge and students’ attitude, satisfaction and standard.
Conclusion: there were more than half of nursing students were positive attitude toward total
educational environment and more than half of nursing students satisfied with total educational
environment. Recommendations: Nurse educators should be offered regular institute enhancement
programs to maximize their learning skills and enhance the quality of their clinical learning
experiences through wording of guideline for improvement and enhancement of learning during
clinical practice.
