Factors Influencing Nurses` Performance towards Caring of Pediatric Patients with Respiratory Disorders

Document Type : Original Article


1 Member in Infection Control Team, Kom Hamada Specialized Hospital

2 Professor of Pediatric Nursing Department Faculty of Nursing-Ain Shams University


Background: Respiratory disorders are the most common causes of illness and hospitalization in children. These illnesses range from mild, non-acute disorders, to acute disorders such as bronchiolitis, to chronic disorders such as asthma. Aim: This study aimed to assess the factors influencing nurses` performance towards caring of pediatric patients with respiratory disorders. Research Design: A descriptive design used to achieve the aim of this study. Subjects: A purposive sample consisted of 151 nurses; 68 nurses from pediatric hospital that affiliated to Ain Shaim University hospitals, and 83 nurses from Damanhur University hospitals, Tools of date collection: A predesigned questionnaire sheet to assess characteristics of the nurses, to assess the nurses knowledge about respiratory disorders in pediatrics, and factors influencing nurses` performance towards caring of pediatric patients with respiratory disorders. In addition, observational checklists, to assess the nurses` practices Results: Two thirds of studied nurses had poor level of knowledge regarding respiratory disorders in pediatrics, and near to two thirds of studied nurses had a competent practice regarding caring for pediatric patients with respiratory disorders. Conclusion: Based on the present study findings it can be concluded that, communication with patient` information factors and organizational factors are more factors that influencing the nurses` performance towards caring pediatric patients with respiratory disorders. Recommendation: Periodical assessment in health care settings for factors that influencing care of pediatric patients with respiratory disorders.
