Effect of an Educational Program on Mothers’ Knowledge, Practice, Empowerment and Satisfaction Regarding Caring of their Children Post Cochlear Implant

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer of Pediatric Nursing /Faculty of Nursing / Benha University/Egypt

2 Assistant professor of Pediatric Nursing /Faculty of Nursing / Benha University/Egypt


Background: Cochlear implants help children with severe hearing loss receive, process,
and interpret sounds. Hearing loss can affect these areas of development. Aim of the
study was to evaluate the effect of educational program on mothers’ empowerment and
satisfaction regarding caring of children post cochlear implant. Research Design: A
quasi- experimental research design was used. Setting: This study was conducted in
Department of Cochlear Implants and Audiology in Bahteem Health Insurance Hospital at
Qalyubia governorate affiliated to the ministry of health and population.
Subjects: Purposive sample of (80) mothers and their children. The total number of
mothers was divided randomly into two identical groups. Tools of data collection: Four
tools were utilized, Tool (I): A Structured Interviewing Questionnaire. Tool (II):
Pediatric Cochlear implant questionnaire. Tool (III): Satisfaction with life scale. Tool
(IV): Mother’ empowerment scale. Results: the results of the present study revealed that
there were highly significant differences in mothers’ knowledge, reported practice and
their satisfaction and empowerment after educational program implementation P
<0.001. Conclusion: The study concluded that, educational guidelines significantly
improved mothers’ knowledge, practice, empowerment and satisfaction regarding caring
of their children with cochlear implant. Recommendation: Developing and enhancing
educational and awareness program to improve and support mothers’ empowerment and
satisfaction regarding caring of their children with cochlear implant
