Effect of Nursing Intervention Program on Minimizing Dysphagia for Post Stroke Patients

Document Type : Original Article


Adult Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Assiut University, Egypt


Dysphagia is a very common and most frequently complaint among patients with stroke.
Aim of the study: Assess effect of nursing intervention program on minimizing dysphagia for
post stroke patients through: Designing nursing intervention program, implementing nursing
intervention program and investigating the effect of nursing intervention program on minimizing
dysphagia for post stroke patients. Subject and Methods: A quiz experimental research design
was utilized in this study. The Sample was of 60 adult patients divided into (30) study and (30)
control group. Setting The study was conducted in the neurology department, neurology out
patients clinic and physiotherapy department at Assiut University Hospital. Tools of data
collection: An interviewing questionnaire and the Gugging Swallowing Screen test. Result: the
present study revealed that the highest percentage of studied sample was between the age 41 –
60 years and was male. Study group was showed a good improvement in swallowing ability after
Implementing nursing intervention program. there were significance relation between swallowing
ability and sex for both study and control group. Conclusion: it could be concluded that the
implementing nursing intervention program improving swallowing ability for study group
compared with the control group. Recommendations: Further research on a larger probability
sample acquired from different geographical areas in Egypt for generalization.
