Organizational Climate versus Nurses Empowerment among Nurses

Document Type : Original Article


Nursing Administration Department – Faculty of Nursing, Ain Shams University


Chronic Background: Organizational climate is the emotional state, perceptions and
feelings shared by members of the system. Organizational climate has a major influence on
motivation, productivity, satisfaction, and empowerment. Aim: The present study aimed to assess
organizational climate versus nurses' empowerment. Research design: A descriptive,
correlational design was used. Setting: This study conducted at Sirs Elian hospital. Research
Subjects: A simple random sample of 150 staff nurses who selected from total 184 staff nurses.
They are working in the study setting, and had work experience at least one year. Tools of data
collection: Two tools were used namely organizational climate and empowerment questionnaires
sheets. Results: majority of staff nurses have positive perception about organizational climate
regarding client service, also majority of staff nurses have high level of empowerment.
Conclusion: There was statistically significant correlation between organizational climate and
empowerment. Recommendations: Regular surveys should be done to examine employees'
perception of organizational climate, establish a system of promotion and rewards, and encourage
nurses’ participation in goal setting, problem solving, and decision-making.
