An Intervention Program for I Developing Instructional Guidelines for Patients Undergoing Ureteroscopic Lithotrips

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc-of-Nursing-Medical – Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of nursing

2 Urology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University


Well Aim: This study aimed to develop instructional guidelines for patients undergoing
Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy. Subjects and Method: A descriptive explorative design was utilized
for the conduction of this study in Urosurgery Department and Urology Outpatients` Clinics at El
sample of(90) adult patients from both genders undergoing ureteroscopic lithotripsy(UL) from
the above mentioned settings. Tools of data collection were: 1) Patients,
questionnaire (pre /post procedure)to assess the studied patients` health needs (physical,
psychological, social spiritual and educational) .2)Numerical pain scale(pre /post procedure)to
assess pain severitylevel.3) Hamilt on Anxiety Rating Scale (pre/post procedure)to assess anxiety
level. Results: Mean age of studied sample was 39.5±5.7. More than half of them was married,
working, males and from urban areas. Moreover, there were higher health needs preprocedure.
Conclusion: On light of the current study results, it can be concluded that the studied patients had
physical, psychological, social, spiritual and educational needs pre the ureteroscopic lithotripsy
procedure. In addition, the highest needs pre the procedure were: physical followed by
educational, spiritual, psychological and then later social. Recommendations: Further research
studies are needed to focus on assessment of the quality of life of such group of patients.
