Nurses' perception of criteria for promotion to head nurse position in selected hospitals

Document Type : Original Article


1 B.Sc Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University

2 Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University.


Background: Promotion in nurses' positions considers one of the important targets for the
nurses' professional life, it's the source of motivation, inspiration for nurses', and it's positively
associated with increased job satisfaction, efficacy, effectiveness, and positive outcomes for
health care agencies. Aim: The study is aimed to identify staff nurses' perception of the criteria
for promotion to head nurse position. Subjects and Methods: Data were collected from three
hospitals' affiliated with different health organizations. The total sample size was 300 nurses,
randomly selected and equally distributed among the selected hospitals. A questionnaire was
developed by the investigator and utilized for the data collection, it contains two parts; the first
part was related to respondents' socio- demographic data, & the second part was related to the
perceived criteria for promotion to head nurse position. A descriptive analytical design was used
to achieve the aim of the study. Results: the study showed that the respondents' support with high
mean scores the four dimensions and statistically there were significant difference between age,
qualification, employing hospital and respondents' perception to the criteria for promotion to head
nurse position, while the position in hospitals has insignificant effect on the respondents'
perception to head nurse position. Conclusion: The study findings indicated four main
dimensions' for the promotion to head nurse, each dimension consists list of criteria for
promotion. Technical; Personal; Leadership; then administrative qualities; using this criteria as a
base for selection of head nurses shall assure staff loyalty, retention and maintain quality of
nursing management. Recommendations: hospitals shall develop a clear job description for the
head nurse position, also shall maintain setting appropriate criteria based performance appraisal
for promotion to head nurse position
