Obstacles Facing Male Nursing Students at Maternity Clinical Learning Settings

Document Type : Original Article


1 Maternal and New Born Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing- Helwan University.

2 Maternal and New Born Health Nursing Faculty of Nursing -Fayoum University.


Background: Male nurses face challenges in their education and practice as a result of
their gender and stereotypes associated with being a male in a female dominated profession.
The aim of this study was to determine obstacles facing male nursing students at maternity
clinical learning settings. Methods: A descriptive study design was used. Sample: A purposive
sample composed of 114 male nursing students from the Faculty of Nursing at Fayoum
University. Tools: two tools were used (1) An interviewing questionnaire. (2) Likert rating
scale. Results: findings of the presenting study showed that, the majority of the study students
reported that they faced practical and theoretical obstacles during their studying of maternity
nursing course as students, academic, curriculum, teaching environment, client/ community and
hospital obstacles. Furthermore, more than half of male nursing students had negative attitude
toward maternity clinical course. Conclusion: the majority of male nursing students are facing
obstacles during their studying of maternity nursing course which make them had negative
attitude toward maternity clinical course. Recommendations: Preventing discrimination against
male nurses and supporting male nurses to grow professionally at obstetric department and
nurse educators should assist male nursing students to be well prepared to interact with women
clients in various settings.
